Administrative and Ritualistic

Administrative and Ritualistic Titles of the Members of the Ayahuasca Pantheistic Society

1. The Ayahuasca Pantheistic Society shall be composed of an unlimited number of members;
2. Members shall be considered, administratively speaking, as follows:

A – Founders. Those who signed the Decree at the Foundation General Assembly;

B – Participants. People of above eighteen years of age who are subsequently admitted as participants.

3. Members, whether founders or participants, shall be considered, ritualistically speaking, as follows:

A – Beginners. Candidates who, through their application to join and through their approval by the Deliberative Council choose to become part of the membership of the Ayahuasca Pantheistic Society;

B – Integrants. Beginners who show a willingness to be present and take part in the activities of the society, and in accordance with its objectives;

C – Assistants. Integrants who, in accordance with the objectives of the Society, show an ability to help and contribute to the successful progress of its work;

D – Guides. Assistants who, showing understanding of and agreement with the objectives of the Society, show the ability to teach its principles and to organise and guides appropriate ritualistic ceremonies.

Holidays of the Society

6th January: Anniversary of the Ayahuasca Pantheistic Society (it was founded on the 6th January 2001). For Christians this is Epiphany.

20th or 21st of March. Autumn Equinox.

20th or 21st of June. Winter Solstice.

21st of September. Constitution Day for the Ayahuasca Pantheistic Society. For the rest of society, it’s the day of the tree, the day of the farmer and the day of broadcasting.

22nd or 23rd of September. Spring Equinox.

15th November. Symbols Day. For the rest of society it’s the Day of the Proclamation of the Republic, the day of amateur sport and national literacy day.

21st or 22nd of December. Summer Solstice

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