
The Ayahuasca Pantheist Socieity, based in the municipality of Paudalho (PE) – nearby Recife – is a private, not-for-profit organisation, with religious objectives, and will go on existing indefinitely. The Society is regulated by law – registered under numbers 141-A and 142-A, Book: A-1, fls 96v/98v, at official registry office number 1 in Paudalho/PE – as well as by the official laws and norms applicable to the use of Ayahuasca. The CNPJ of the Ayahuasca Pantheist Society – INKA – is 05.344.095/0001.84

People who feel an affinity with the mission of the society and who wish to help its growth by donating money, should get in touch with the president of the society at or

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