An invitation

Scientific Study:

The scientific study of Ayahuasca is still only in its early stages. With the growing interest in the potion, it is to be hoped that there will be new studies.

The initial anthropological studies, carried out with the indigenous population, have practically been concluded. New studies are being carried out on the use of the plant in urban areas.

Biochemical studies are slowly uncovering the pharmco-dynamic of the tea, as well as the effects of regular use over a long period – for example, on the serotonin receptors in various parts of the body. It’s to be expected that there will be new discoveries about the presence of endogenous DMT in the central nervous system and about its possible regulatory functions.

Studies in the field of psychology could begin by developing the models which were tested in the 1960s during investigations into other psychedelic substances like LSD and Mescaline. Innumerable models can be imagined using the new resources of psycho-technology.

We still know very little about the effect of the use of the plant on the personality of users. At least one study shows positive effects, but does not differentiate between the effect of the tea itself and the effect of the religious doctrine and practice of the institution where the study was carried out.

It’s not known whether the tea help to develop specifics traces of personality and responses or development. Comparative studies with data obtained in various ritualistic contexts would make the effects of the tea clearer.

In our Society – where initiation ceremonies are planned in advance – it is already possible to investigate personality changes by looking at how people change, if at all, between being introduced to the tea and taking part in a significant number of ceremonies.

Links between the special states of consciousness created by the use of the tea and possible psychological and psycho-therapeutic benefits deserve to be better investigated.

The effect of the tea on thought, its flow, and the type of associations and connections which are most frequently stimulated could be studied with suitable investigatory techniques (tests and problem-solving).

Ayahuasca has contributed profoundly to the transformation and personal enrichment of thousands of people. This fact has been widely publicised, and it’s undeniable that various cultural movements have sprung up around the use of Ayahuasca. The nature and phenomenology of this change needs to be studied at various levels.

What can Ayahuasca teach and how does it teach? If Ayahuasca transforms, how do the transformations work? How can the use of Ayahuasca change creative capacity? Does Ayahuasca alter our normal way of processing information? How does Ayahuasca modify the various types of intelligence? These are some of the questions we need to ask and answer in order to understand better this potentially creative and transformational instrument.

The legality of the use of Ayahuasca in Brazil, and the growth in the number of regular users, make it possible to carry out an infinite number of possible studies.

To experience, appreciate, study and guide the expanded states of consciousness induced by Ayahuasca – all this is part of the mission of our society. For this reason, we seek to get in touch with people who have similar interests in order to carry out studies and scientific investigation together. This therefore is an invitation to such researchers.

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